March 17th, 2010 jamesdouthwaite

Florists: Get the Most Out of Proms

By Sharon McGukin, Author of Flowers of the Heart

This prom season, take steps to lead the dance in your area with the fashionable look of floral bling and listen to your cash register sing! For years, the traditional style of prom wristlets remained the same while styles of dress, hair and attitudes changed. Florists need to follow fashion to keep prom flowers from being replaced with trendy accessories. Make a checklist now of ways to update your prom personality this year.

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March 16th, 2010 jamesdouthwaite

Florists: Checklist Before Visiting a School or College

Here is a list of things to be prepared for when you visit school or college to promote prom items.

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March 16th, 2010 jamesdouthwaite

Florists: Before Writing to the School Use this Checklist

Writing letters to schools can help gain corsage and buttonhole sales for proms.

Use this checklist to ensure you have ticked all the boxes before sending your letter to the school.

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March 15th, 2010 jamesdouthwaite

Florists: School Prom Introduction Letter

Here’s a good way to get in contact with your local school or college. This letter will provide a starting point for future communications with the schools and colleges in your area.

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March 14th, 2010 jamesdouthwaite

Florists: How to Make a Corsage

Gluing Tips Using Corsage Creations Flower Bracelets

Gluing can be an easy and profitable alternative to time consuming wiring and taping. Personally, I can create a corsage on a Corsage Creations Flower Bracelet using glue in about three minutes, and many designers using these techniques are able to design beautiful corsages in about five minutes. The first step is the willingness to try!!!

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