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Six Ways to Put a Spring into Prom Sales

Six Ways to Put a Spring into Prom Sales

1. Get out there and sell your­self! Proms are a rapidly expand­ing mar­ket thanks to US film and TV. Young Brits are keen to match their Amer­i­can coun­ter­parts with a big­ger and bet­ter bash each year, but many stu­dents aren’t aware of how many excit­ing options are avail­able to them. So the best way to make your­self and your offer­ings known is to actu­ally go out and visit schools. Hand out fly­ers, show off exam­ples, and even hold ‘have a go’ ses­sions if schools allow it. Check out our mar­ket­ing pack for more ideas. lace-corsage 2. Offer some­thing for every­one. We have a mahoosive range of cor­sage bracelets in styles to suit all. Stu­dents will be clam­our­ing to bet­ter each other with cus­tom cor­sages, so let each of their per­son­al­i­ties shine through with designs for every­one from punk rock­ers to pretty pink princesses. Grab your­self a Prom Starter Pack at just £100 trade price for bracelets, acces­sories and a dis­play rack. three-corsage 3. Don’t waste mar­ket­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Renowned florist Neil Whitaker swears by prom PR tac­tics, his win­dow dis­play and social media are key. Have fun cre­at­ing a prom win­dow to pull passers-by inside, and make sure you pho­to­graph it as well as all your funky cor­sage and but­ton­hole ideas to share share share away. Most teens’ eyes are glued to a screen 247 so social media is an essen­tial route to pick­ing up prom sales. neil-window 4. Set up a pick n mix prom bar. Florists who tried this last year said it worked won­ders for cor­sage sales because eager teens loved being able to pick and choose each aspect of their cor­sage. With a box for bracelets, rib­bon, sparkly acces­sories and more you’ll cre­ate an in-store buzz and inspire those future flower buy­ers. Get your cor­sage dis­play stand here. pick-n-mix 5. Cus­tomise cor­sages to the max. Fill your prom bar with a range of add-ons so each stu­dent can feel super spe­cial on the big day and you can add value to designs. We have a huge range of acces­sories from Bling it On Stick­ers and Cloud 9 Feather Accents to sub­tler gold Chic Leaves and green Cor­sage Leaves. You can even help young love blos­som with spe­cial his and hers cor­sage and but­ton­hole cou­ples sets. rose-corsage 6. Take advan­tage of your tar­get mar­ket. Young minds are eas­ily inspired and many mums and dads will be will­ing to splash out to make the first prom oh-so-special for their lit­tle dar­lings. Teens are much more likely to show off and go wild than your aver­age adult flower buyer, so really push your extrav­a­gant designs and use prom sea­son as an oppor­tu­nity to let your cre­ativ­ity run wild. You’ll find tons of inspi­ra­tion on our YouTube channel. Arti­cle cre­ated in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Purple Spotted Media. savannah
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